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  Today : July 27, 2024 

Safety Training & Courses

OSHA Training Courses
Courses # Title Duration


OSHA 10 Hrs in Construction Safety

10 Hrs. in two days 5 hrs.
Each day

OSHA 10 Hrs in General industry Safety

10 Hrs. in two days 5 hrs.
Each day

OSHA 30Hrs. In Construction and General industry

30 Hrs. In six days
Certified Training Courses
CSCB100 Certified Safety Construction Business 16 Hours
CSCW200 Certified Safety Construction Worker  
CSCB100-SP Certificación en Seguridad para Negocios en Construcción  16 Horas
CSCW200-SP Certificación en Seguridad para el Trabajador de la Construcción 16 Horas
Certified Safety Construction Business
CB102 Occupational Safety & Health Act 2 Hours
CB103 OSHA Standards 2 Hours
CB104 Introduction to Safety & Health Program 4 Hours
CB105 OSHA CitationHandling Process 2 Hours
CB106 Accident Investigation 4 Hours
CB107 RecordKeeping 2 Hours
Certified Safety Construction Worker
CW202 Focus Four Hazards 4 Hours
CW203 Scaffolds Qualified Person 6 Hours
CW204 Scaffolds Competent Person 6 Hours
Certificación en Seguridad para Negocios en Construcción
CB102-SP Acta de Seguridad ySalud Ocupacional 2 Horas
CB103-SP Estándares de OSHA 2 Horas
CB104-SP Introducción a Programas de Seguridad y Salud 4 Horas
CB105-SP Proceso de cómo manejar unaCitaciónde OSHA 2 Horas
CB106-SP Investigación de Accidentes 4 Horas
CB107-SP Mantenimientode Registros 2 Horas
Certificación en Seguridad para el Trabajador de la Construcción
Disclaimer: This material was developed by Compacion Foundation Inc and The Hispanic Contractors Association de Tejas under Susan Harwood Grant Number SH-20-843-SH0 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsements by the U.S. Government.

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